Publication Date:
26/03/2025Number: 49 / 2025
Reference: 1807/12338-25
Deadline for submission: 05/04/2025
Invitation for expression of interest for a fixed term research contract for the project “TECHNOLOGIES FOR MANUFACTURING AS A SERVICE ECOSYSTEMS (Tec4MaaSEs)” (position code 3686-PR5)
The Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business (RC/AUEB) in the frame of the European Union funded research project “TECHNOLOGIES FOR MANUFACTURING AS A SERVICE ECOSYSTEMS (Tec4MaaSEs)”, project code 11368601, and under the supervision of the Scientist Responsible for the project, Professor Ioannis Mourtos, invites, in accordance with the decision of the 238th Meeting of the Research Committee of RC/AUEB of the academic year 2024-2025, dated 19/03/2025 (ADA: 9ΓΚΣ469Β4Μ-62Ζ), pursuant to the provisions of Law 4957/2022 "New Horizons in Higher Education Institutions: Enhancing the quality, functionality and connection of H.E.I. with society and other provisions" (Α 141/21.07.2022), applications for a fixed term research contact, up to six (6) months, with the possibility of renewing until the end of the project, in accordance with the provisions of article 243(5) of Law 4957/2022, for the implementation of the following project: "Specification analysis, design, and development of optimization software, innovation, and dissemination of results related to optimization issues, in the context of work packages (WP): WP3 (DT Modelling, Operation, and Governance for resilient value networks), WP4 (Integration and pilot deployments), and WP6 (Impact creation and sustainability)."