Publication Date: 09/10/2024

Number: 77 / 2024

Reference: 1807/43317-24

Deadline for submission: 19/10/2024

Invitation for expression of interest for a fixed term research contract for the project “FABRIX-FOSTERING LOCAL, BEAUTIFUL, AND SUSTAINABLY DESIGNED REGENERATIVE TEXTILE AND CLOTHING ECOSYSTEMS” (position code 3676-PR4)

The Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business (RC/AUEB) in the frame of the European Union funded research project “FABRIX-FOSTERING LOCAL, BEAUTIFUL, AND SUSTAINABLY DESIGNED REGENERATIVE TEXTILE AND CLOTHING ECOSYSTEMS”, project code 11367601, and under the supervision of the Scientist Responsible for the project, Professor Georgios Ioannou, invites, in accordance with the decision of the 221st  Meeting of the Research Committee of RC/AUEB of the academic year 2024-2025, dated 25/09/2024 (ADA: 6Ξ1Υ469Β4Μ-ΥΤΞ), pursuant to the provisions of Law 4957/2022 "New Horizons in Higher Education Institutions: Enhancing the quality, functionality and connection of H.E.I. with society and other provisions" (Α 141/21.07.2022), applications for a fixed term research contact, up to six (6) months, with the possibility of renewing until the end of the project, in accordance with the provisions of article 243(5) of Law 4957/2022, for the implementation of the following project:  “Development of a theoretical methodological framework coupling spatial and network perspectives as well as opportunity and barriers mapping for the circular and remanufacturing-based transformation of the textile and fashion industry in Athens and Rotterdam. Delivery of the integrated platform “MANTEL”, support of local actions and ecosystems for the remanufacturing-based local and urban production, contribution to the creation of a communication campaign aiming at increasing citizen information access and issue awareness, in the context of Work Packages (WP): WP1 (Theory and methodology), WP2 [Mapping the selected cities & their T&C sector & tailoring the existing platforms (of tools)], WP3 (MANTEL: process support tools for end-users), WP4 (Platform implementation and enhancing the local ecosystems through FSTP and co-creation), WP5 (Dissemination, communication, and exploitation), and WP6 (Project Management)”.

File: INVITATION-2024-77