HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT (HBP) - SGA3 (position code 3269-PR1)

Publication Date: 30/07/2020

Number: 54 / 2020

Reference: 1807/27497-20

Deadline for submission: 03/09/2020

Invitation for expression of interest a fixed term research contract for the project “HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT (HBP) - SGA3” (position code 3269-PR1)

The Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business (RC/AUEB) in the frame of the European Union funded research project “HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT (HBP) - SGA3”, project code 11326901 and under the supervision of the Scientist Responsible for the project, Professor Vasilios Vassalos, invites, in accordance with the decision of the 55th  Meeting of Research and Management Committee of RC/AUEB of the academic year 2019-2020, dated 15/07/2020 (ADA Ψ39Ν469Β4Μ-Ζ7Ο), application for a researcher position on a fixed term, up to twelve (12) months, (with the possibility of renewing until the end of the project) work contract, starting immediately, for the implementation of the following project:  “Contribution to Work Package (WP) 4 (task 4.4): Workflow for the creation of anonymized versions of pseudoanonymized data stored on protected storages and their upload to the FENIX storage system. Adaptation of metadata registration and the curation process to anonymized data in the Knowledge Graph HBP system. Extension of metadata registration and curation process of the anonymized data to pseudoanonymized data without leaking sensitive information. Deliverable: Documentation of how to prepare and integrate anonymized versions of pseudoanonymized data”

File: INVITATION-2020-54

Results Announcement

RESULTS: HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT (HBP) - SGA3 (position code 3269-PR1)