Publication Date: 01/11/2018

Number: 70 / 2018

Reference: 920000/1558-18

Deadline for submission: 15/11/2018

Invitation for expression of interest for a fixed term research contract for one (1) position on Informatics for the project “DEVELOPER-CENTRIC KNOWLEDGE MINING FROM LARGE OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE REPOSITORIES (CROSSMINER)” (position code 2582-PR3).

The Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business (RC/AUEB), in the frame of the European Union funded research project “DEVELOPER-CENTRIC KNOWLEDGE MINING FROM LARGE OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE REPOSITORIES (CROSSMINER)”, project code ER-2582-01, and under the supervision of the Scientist Responsible for the project, Professor Diomidis Spinellis, invites, in accordance with the decision of the 4th Meeting of the Research and Management Committee of RC/AUEB of the academic year 2018-2019, dated on 24/10/2018 (ADA: 6ΒΒΛ469Β4Μ-3ΕΖ), applications for one (1) position on a fixed term, up to fourteen (14) months, (with the possibility of renewing until the end of the project) work contract, starting immediately, for the implementation of the following project: «Applied Software Engineering».

File: INVITATION-2018-70

Results Announcement