Publication Date:
20/10/2017Number: 66 / 2017
Reference: 920000/1650-17
Deadline for submission: 03/11/2017
Invitation for expression of interest for a fixed term research contract for project “HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT”, (CODE No. 2440-PR3)
The Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business (RC/AUEB) in the frame of the European Union funded research project “HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT” and under the supervision of the Scientist Responsible for the project, Subs.Professor Vassilios Vassalos, invites applications for 1 Informatics Scientist position on a fixed term 5 month work contract, starting immediately, for the implementation of the following project: «Data extraction, schema matching, record linkage and data fusion in avirtual integration system of biomedical clinical data».
File: INVITATION-2017-66
Results Announcement